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Refreshing salad of lettuce and eggs


Refreshing salad of lettuce and eggs

I invite you to try a refreshing salad of romaine lettuce and eggs, perfect as an addition to a light and healthy dinner.  Simple, quick and above all tasty 


Fresh romaine lettuce

Hard-boiled eggs

green cucumber, sliced

cherry tomatoes, cut into halves

Red onion, thinly sliced

Black olives, cut in half

Freshly grated parmesan cheese

Parsley or dill for extra flavor


Extra virgin olive oil

Lemon juice

Dijon mustard

Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Wash the lettuce, dry it and tear it into smaller pieces.  Place on a large plate.

Boil the eggs, peel and cut them into halves.  Spread evenly on the lettuce along with the cucumber and tomatoes.

Add thinly sliced ​​onion, olives and sprinkle with fresh Parmesan cheese.

Mix the ingredients for the dressing in a small bowl and pour it over the salad just before serving.

Sprinkle with herbs for additional flavor.